11 September 2007

"Cease Relentless Participation"

The other night, I was awoken by an apocalyptic boom that was identical to the sound of the moon hitting the ocean in my dream last week. It wasn't Armageddon, however, just a really sick thunderstorm, the thunder shaking the house so violently, it set off all of the battery-operated toys downstairs. Cookie Monster's voice sounded like the voice of Satan rising from a toy basket at the edge of the stairs: "If letters were cookies, I'd sure have a bunch." It was Poltergeist. Very unsettling at 3 a.m. The wild lightning also caused some jive power surge that knocked out our high-speed Internet for two days.

It's impossible to work without Internet service and my cell service is so patchy, I couldn't even get online that way. Since I already had a sitter set up for the morning, I was going to go to Kiskadee, my new favorite Internet cafe, but then had to sit around waiting for Comcast to show in a six hour window. I was climbing the walls; I literally didn't know what to do with myself. Then I came across a quote I'd scribbled down a few months ago from the book "Eat Pray Love" -- "Sit quietly for now and cease your relentless participation. Watch what happens. Birds do not crash out of the sky in mid-flight, after all. The trees will not wither and die, the rivers do not run red with blood. " The author also describes herself as having a hyper-awareness of the passing of time, and a restless and stupidly hungry nature that causes her to feel like she can't miss out on anything. Me too. I decided to just chill and embrace the solace of being unplugged. Now, we're back online and back to the every day neuroses. The world didn't come crashing down, but my email server with 212 emails (198 of which were crap) almost did.


Anonymous said...

I'm so attached to my Crackberry that I feel like a scared and lost little child without it. It sucks.

Anonymous said...

I'mway osay attachedway otay ymay ackberryCray atthay Iway eelfay ikelay away aredscay andway ostlay ittlelay ildchay ithoutway itway. Itway uckssay. ay

KJ said...

I'm fluent in Pig Latin. Is there some obscure dialect that I'm unaware of?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a Cannuck to me.

Anonymous said...

Glad you are back to reality. Although the wait for Comcast sure will be another blog post as they are a company I loathe....due to their poor customer service, response, "window" choices (6 hour window???? what the f*ck?)

Anonymous said...

I pay Comcast $162 a month for internet access (i.e. porn), watch the Sox and Entourage in my choice of 1 of 2 rooms in my apt, and have the ability to record/rewind it. Something's wrong here.

Anonymous said...

COMCAST SUCKS!!!!! Plain and simple. They have for years. It's the combination of the absolute worst customer service. I ended up with 6 months of free service due to missed appointments (back then though it was only a three hour window). But, imagine - they are the only internet and/or cable service available in my area. So they don't have to improve do they! I can't wait until FIOS comes to Eastie!

KJ said...

SAC/SB: Verizon FIOS is arriving Monday. I'll give a full report.

Cam: re: Cannuck. All I can think of is C-forth. Quechee. I'm going to hell.

Anonymous said...

KJ - this story just reminded me of back in the day (80's?), the Judge got so fed up with the cable box (those little black square boxes) that he ripped it out of the wall and tossed it into the street. My details may be off, but I know he was angry. All Mahoneys feel cable frustration.

KJ said...

SB-Yes. Hilarious. The Judge's Cable rage. That's exactly what happened. We didn't have cable for about three years after that. Cablevision was the worst.

Bean Down Under said...

Let me tell you about shitty cable companies... try coming down to Australia and deal with these guys! There is one company, Telstra, that used to own all the telephone lines and the rights to everything. Inorder to get anything for a phone or internet you somehow have to go through them one way or another. They are the Ma Bell before the US gov't split Ma Bell up! Then Foxtel did the same with the cable industry. Now to try to get internet connection and cable you have to kiss these two companies asses or you are fresh out of luck! It took me over a month to get my DSL going..... but now I am happy and connected! I never realized how dependent I am on being on-line.

Anonymous said...

KJ, thanks for spending your Unplugged Afternoon with iced coffee, SBJ and me. We had a lovely visit with you and the wee Jacksons. Next time: vino & snack plates.