16 May 2008

Pissing off the Geezers

(New Kids, aging well)

Just a few weeks ago, I was so blissfully unaware of my own age that I unwittingly referred to a woman younger than me as a "cougar." Today, I'm all too aware of my own geezerhood. It started with the New Kids kicking off their reunion tour on the Today Show this morning. I was too old for them the first time around and find this whole reunion to be an affront to my magical thinking. My babysitter, who is 10 years my junior, was all juiced up, recreating some dance steps for Caroline and Paulie that she used to perform in her room when she was nine. I jumped into the fray and tried to bust into that New Kids/Bobby Brown hybrid dance move that LPD and I used to do at 19. Caroline immediately shook her head and deemed it "ridiculous." (Aside: James can just keep quiet about my dancing ability as I've seen photos of him from the early 90s and he looks like one-half of Kid 'n Play.) Keeping the spirit, Katie (sitter/magician) and I put on some PM Dawn and enjoyed some Milanos. She further showed her youth by sharing a dream she had last night about being on a date with David Archuleta from American Idol, one that possibly involved a double deuce of malt liquor. I continued to show my geezerhood as my dream last night was that the new Target planned for my town opened a year early. I was so over the moon about this that I was the first person at the store. And for some reason, everyone that worked at the store was wearing a red gymnast leotard. No more Nyquil on the Rocks!


Anonymous said...

Ok, I can't resist this one! I was at the epicenter of New Kids Mania, seeing that I was in the 8th grade in 1988 when they first "blew up". I had 2 posters and one of those cheesy homemade collages.
My neighbor, Allison, lived in a Cape, so her BR had a slanted ceiling that was covered with NKOTB pictures- straight out of Tiger Beat!
This morning, my mom actually called me to tell me they were on the Today Show! Yup, she called her 32 yr. old daughter to tell her that her favorite boy band was on TV!!
Ok, I'm off to curl my bangs and then shallack them with some Aqua Net...

Check it out:

Anonymous said...

Wonder Twins... I too feel compelled to have to make some sort of --for lack of better term-- confession, that I was a serious NKOTB fan. I was probably 10.. yikes. I had those terribly made like paper thin hats adorned with buttons, a poster of Jonathan *what was i thinking, he wasnt even the top dog* My love was soo fierce, that I listened to their christmas TAPE in the off season.

Its pretty sad, that I too feel like the elder statesman when dealing with kids sometimes... But we are all still young at heart, hence, my 30 something teacher friend recieving text message upon text message to figure out how to get tickets to this reunion tour, while teaching a class of 7th grade english.


Anonymous said...

my 30 something coworker is still very obsessed! She is 13 again in the absolute worst way! She's got her tickets and e-mails me every article and television appearance. I too was a fan and can't believe the Garden show was sold out weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for the Another Bad Creation (ABC) reunion tour..... at the playgroooooouuuund.

Michelle said...

I cried myself to sleep at night because I knew Jordan would never be my boyfriend.

Anonymous said...

I guess Duran Duran was the early-to-mid-80's version of the Boy Band. I heart Johnathan Taylor. TLA. H.O.L.L.A.N.D. SWAK.*

(*excerpts from my Jr. High notebook)

PS...Kate, that dance was MONEY. Everybody was so jealous when we'd bust that move.


Anonymous said...

If only I could find my Hungry Like the Wolf on 45. VINYL. So f'n old...