19 October 2006

He Doesn't Look a Thing Like Jesus...

It's a line from the song "When you were Young" by The Killers that I blare in my car whenever it comes on -- sometimes at the request of Paulie. "Mom -- Louder!" I didn't think Caroline was too fond of it because she usually complains that "it is too noisy in this car right now" whenever I turn it up. Therefore, I was taken aback when she began yelling out -- "HE DOESN'T LOOK A THING LIKE JESUS" -- at random times throughout the day, most often when we're in a crowded public place full of people who are unfamiliar with The Killers. Today's outburst was at the Assinippi General Store, a place where we are already on probation after Paulie cut a swath of destruction through the store earlier this year. But these outbursts are likely more about my behavior than anything else. I really have to reign in some of my bad habits and language.

For instance, I suspect this particular lyric is irresistable to Caroline because it contains the word Jesus -- a word that is on her no-say list. She was spoken to sharply a few months ago after yelling out "Jesus Christ, Paulie!" for no apparent reason at the library. She also got in trouble the other day for saying, "Where are my fucking shoes?" All the while, I'm ashamed of my own hyprocrisy, knowing full well that I am likely fostering her swearing while trying to put an end to it. Still, neither Jamie nor I know how to put an end to Caroline's and Paul's nightly ritual: After they put their pajamas on, they jump on Caroline's bed and proceed to yell out all of the words they are not supposed to say. “Shit!” “Fuck!” “Jesus!” "Damnit!" etc. We’re great parents.


Anonymous said...

ME too me too!!!

Anonymous said...

Those two little buggers are onto something. What a great way to blow off steam. I may start doing this myself. In fact, I'm going to jump up and down at my desk right now... "A$$!! Mofo!!! %#$#!!! @$%&!!!!!"

Anonymous said...

I hope they are not picking up those nasty words from my house or by chance if they happen to be driving somewhere with me..

Auntie Lynnie

Anonymous said...

I would also love to see this ritual.

side bar, tonite when matt and i came to babysit, as soon as we pulled up, Paulie was at the door screamin out "Hi Santa, HI!!!" it was awesome.
