07 December 2010

I Think I May Be Over Thinking Things

I'm listening to Vito growl at a coil of fresh garland that I'm supposed to be stringing up but I keep getting drawn back in here.  I miss the PU.  I made a few ham-fisted attempts to start another blog over the past couple of months but could never quite agree on a name, or design, or font, or some other silly setting.  At one point, I actually used the word "rebranding."  Out loud.  Then I immediately had the urge to smack myself upside the head with a Mistletoe-scented Yankee Candle (large jar variety).  How could I let inane corporate speak tarnish this terrain?  Circle back up your own arse; this is not a goat rodeo, it's the PU!

Actually it's simple procrastination.  I've been paralyzed by fear.  After all that's happened the past two years, I'm afraid I have nothing to write about, or worse, nothing to say.  But, in revisiting some of the pre-2009 posts, I realized that never stopped me before.

So, it's 1 p.m. on a Tuesday and I've just poured myself a glass of red this big (no judgment) to see if I can conjure the spirit of this rudderless blog.  If Vito doesn't lift his peg leg anywhere near the garland in the next few minutes, we could be in business.

Updates (just in case...)

I lost my amazing sister-in-law Paula on Aug 9 and it's been nothing less than a spiritual amputation for everyone.  Anyone who has experienced loss can attest it's like waking up in a new reality that you never wished for.  She was a fixture on this blog and with bear hugs to Peg M and e.e cummings, the mantra:  "i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart).  i am never without it (anywhere you i go you go, my dear)."

I wrote this essay about Paula for the Patriot Ledger in Oct and it's much more clearheaded than anything I could repeat here about the impact P had on me.  You would hear 100+ similar stories from anyone who knew her.

The Rack

I started the first phases of reconstruction back in April and it was touch and go for a several months as to whether the teets would “take." I had my final surgery on Nov 12 and all is well.  I look pretty much the same as before but they're just *out there.*  I didn’t want to look like a porn star (at least not permanently) so we're not dealing in cannonballs so much as billiard balls. Rack 'em up.

I'd write about the surgery experience but thanks to a wonderful, amnesia-producing pharmaceutical called Versed, it's all eternal sunshine. I remember nothing except an orderly in the recovery room who may or may not have been a member of Alice in Chains in the 90s.   

Other news:

Vito has lost 6 pounds... 

Can't you tell?

How about from this angle?

So, with a giant sigh and a "WTF was that," I'm ready to move forward.  Can the PU be reignited?  Can I get a fawning chorus of Hallelujiahs or boos?  I'll cry either way...believe.


Anonymous said...

You get an Alleluia from me :) Great to have the PU back...143...Mama G

Roving Lemon said...

Hallelujah! Testify, sister! Whatever you want to come on here and ramble about, I for one will be thrilled to read & comment on it. Come on in, the water's fine....

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!! I have missed your bloggyspeak. PU ROCKS! LMooney

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!!

Patrick said...


Anonymous said...

Hallelujiah!!!! Is right!!!:)) Go get'em K.J

T Bonnell:))

K.R. said...

Kj, yaaaaaeeey. I heard about paula, so sorry for everyone. I'm glad you're back hallelujah! :) :) :) Kris R.

schroeder said...

I LOVE Versed. That and Cardizem are my favorite drugs.

Welcome back, Kate. (Even though, in my heart, you never left).

Anonymous said...

Hallelujah, praise be to the PU!
Hell, I missed you.

Anonymous said...

So happy the PU is back. Can't wait for the stories.


Jim said...

Hell YEAH Hallelujahs all around!!!!!!! XOXOXO!!!

BJBurke said...

You look great, Vito looks great, the PU is back, all is well with the world!
Welcome back Cuz!

stevieb said...

Halle (expletive) lujiah!!!!

Michelle said...

How I've missed the PU! Yea!

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!!!!.... I have missed the PU... plus... i have been wondering about vito's diet for a while.. lookin good vman..... HALLEF'INLUJAH!!!!!.. welcome back cuz!!!!

Life in Fourth Grade said...

You get an almighty Hallelujiah from me! I've missed the laughing and the stories that are just so real. Thanks for coming back!

Anonymous said...

Say Amen, somebody! AP

katie o. said...

Looking forward to the next bunch of tales, from the mundane to the miraculous! Love you!

Unknown said...

Kate, I've actually never met you - but I love your blog - long live the PU. I am your old tenant in East Boston and James told me about it - I LOVE IT! "Hallelujah!"
~Amy T.

Anonymous said...

Hallelujah! Welcome back Kate, I love it!!

Lisa Daria said...


Anonymous said...

Welcome back to your PUblic personna.
We love you.
Charlie & Jojo

Dr. Nic said...

Missed it! So glad your back writing!

Unknown said...

Welcome Back! I missed the PU!

KJ said...

Happy to be back! Thanks, everyone :) xoxo

David01035 said...

Kate -- I always kept your bookmark in my newsreader, looking forward to the day when The Pointy Universe would be in BOLD again, letting me know there was a new entry. It's good to have you back. December is the darkest month of the year. Thank the goddesses of blogness you are back to brighten it up.

Diana :) said...

Thank your for inspiring positive thoughts - so happy you are well and back here! Diana

LPD said...

Dance of joy... Dance of joy... PU's back... Dance of joy.

Giggled out loud and shed a tear at the return of the mighty PU. You have no idea how much you and your voice mean to us. Thank you for putting it out there again.



Anonymous said...

I half-heartedly typed in your URL a few weeks back. I noticed a blog called Kitchen Chinwag in your info, but nothing in it. I thought maybe you'd start writing again and was overjoyed to type in your URL today and see that this blog was updated! Yay! I love reading what you write.