27 April 2007

A 50 Percent Chance of PG

Trattoria San Pietro, Norwell -- Auntie, all browned up from her Bermuda vacation, swooped back into town to host April Suppah Club tonight, dropping a bomb smack- dab in the middle of the antipasto: The Bags' family is expecting again; Jack will welcome a new brother or sister later this year. And like Caroline and Paulie, the Bags' babies will be a mere 14 months apart. Babies, babies everywhere. Princessica and LPD will be birthing babies mid-to-late summer. Those of us with two or more babies are making sure our IUDs are secure. To the Mamas and Papas to Be: We'll always be here when you need us, whether it is to babysit or kidnap you for daytime wine binges.

2008: We're going to need a bigger bounce house.


Anonymous said...

CONTRATS ALL YOU PREGNANT CHICKIES!! So cool! And Auntie, having them close together is awesome. Princessica and LPD, you're gonna make great moms! Hope you're feeling well. Rock on Mommies! (And ladies, check your IUDs, there's something in the water.)

Anonymous said...

You all look gorgeous!!! Preggers and all!