20 June 2006

Devasted by Dan Abrams

Anyone who knows me is all too aware of my somewhat unhealthy obsession with The Abrams Report. I've watched the show religiously since 2001 and have been TiVo-ing it since 2003. It is the one show I watch every day, it is the only semblance of a routine I have. After the babies -- and often, Jimmy -- are asleep, I pour myself a glass of wine and watch Dan. It's how I unwind. Some people have their People magazines and their porn, I have Dan Abrams, a petite, fiercely opinionated Jewish lawyer from New York.

So you can imagine how DEVASTATED I was to learn the news last week. Dan is giving up his show -- effective immediately -- because he's been promoted to general manager of MSNBC. Kudos to him and all but what am I going to do? It's not like other shows where you can buy the DVDs of past seasons. This is cold turkey and I suck at cold turkey. I'm a mess.

Having Dan behind the scenes instead of on-camera will certainly leave a void because it was so satisfying to watch him in action. He is adept at shutting up misguided loudmouths without losing his composure like some tomato-faced neanderthal. He's always able to make a coherent argument for the good guys and he easily exposes hypocritical or disingenuous statements -- but in a gracious way. He can reveal his emotion for a topic without becoming consumed by it -- a trait I admire as I'm often paralyzed by it. I've also been told Dan looks like a slightly nerdier version of James, which doesn't hurt.

Oh well..life goes on. And speaking of which, at least one Abrams Report will remain forever immortalized on my TiVo -- it was an episode from last year when Dan read one of my emails on the air. My comments were fairly innocuous, having to do with Patti Lupone getting felt up at LaGuardia. However, in that brief moment, as in so many before it, Dan and I were on the same page.

There is always Anderson Cooper, but Cameo says "hands off."



Code Red said...

Katie...my condolences on the loss of Dan Abrams. The Coop is a good alternative, however, in addition to Cameo, I think the entire gay population of NY and DC says "hands off" too. I thoroughly appreciated your email on Patti Lupone for obvious reasons. She'll go topless in a movie, but having another female screen her at the airport while clothed is just too humiliating. PUH-LEEZ!

KJ said...

Coop definitely falls under the category of "debatable sexuality." He's working it though...playing to both sides. very smart.

Patti Lupone flat out sucks.

Anonymous said...

Dan Abrams--definitely easy on the eyes, Kate. Although, I've never watched the show, I do look forward to his "legal expert" appearances on the today show. Have no fear though. Unless Mr. Abrams can whip up some houdini style tricks to increase MSNBC ratings--me thinks he'll be back on the good ol' TV doing what he was meant to do very soon--that is entertain us all with his good looks and smarts!!

Anderson Cooper--son of Gloria Vanderbuilt, I think that says it all!! ; )

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm in denial about the "gay silver fox" as F*er so eloquently described Coop. Like most gay men, he's nicely coifed, well dressed and easy on the eyes. That's suits me fine at 10 p.m.

Anonymous said...

I've always had a crush on Mr. Abrams but the Coop is just so much hotter!!!

Code Red said...

JAL - I'm with you...the Coop is hotter. But I think he'd fancy you more than me. Booooo. All the good ones are taken...or gay...or both.

As an aside, send me your email...we need to connect for a dog walk.

KJ said...

COOP is NOT, I repeat NOT hotter than Dan. There's really no comparison. Can't believe I even tried to make one.